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    Mountain Road


    "Be still like a mountain and flow like a river."

    - Lao Tzu

    What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?

    Manual Lymphatic Massage (MLD) was pioneered by Drs Emil and Estrid Vodder.

    While the circulatory system relies on the heart to pump blood through our system, the lymph system depends on the movement of the skeletal muscles to help with the lymph flow through the vessels, to the lymph nodes, lymph ducts and its return to the cardiovascular system.

    The lymphatic system plays an important role to keep our immune system healthy to fight infection.

    Manual Lymphatic Drainage massage will also help de-stress the skin allowing it to rest and repair and is good for problematic or puffy skin. 


    What to expect?

    Manual Lymph Drainage Massage uses a specific amount of pressure and rhythmic circular movements to stimulate lymph flow.

    It is performed on the skin with gentle stationary circular movements. Starting with the neck and face followed on with the body.​


    Benefits of MLD

    • Strengthening the immune system to ward off illnesses, cold and flu.

    • Water retention.

    • General wellbeing.

    • Improves skin complexion.

    • Improves problematic and acneic skin.

    • Sinus Congestion.

    • It helps move stagnant fluid under the skin’s surface for freshly oxygenated blood to flow.

    • Reduction in bruising.

    • Helps improve dark circles under the eyes.

    • Treatment can facilitate general feelings of health and well being and promotes the body's own healing mechanism.

    • and many more...


    Contraindications to MLD:

    • Active infections.

    • Major circulatory problems such as Thrombosis.

    • Systemic or metastatic malignant condition.

    • Active cancer patients.

    • Active Tuberculosis

    • Major heart conditions such as acute Angina or coronary thrombosis.

    • During menstruation.

    • Fever.



    The next 24 hours after the session:

    • Avoid wearing tight clothing for 24 hours to allow the lymph flow.

    • Increase the amount of water you drink over the next 24 hrs,, as the body may be in a state of high toxicity.

    • Reduce caffeine intake (coffee, tea, fizzy drinks)

    • Avoid alcohol for 24 hrs.

    • Try to cut down or avoid smoking.

    • Avoid hot bath or sauna for few hours after the session.

    • Make time to rest and relax.

    • Occasionally the body may experience reactions as it begins to self heal and eliminate toxins. 

           These reactions are temporary and should clear within 24-48 hours as the treatment is taking affect.

           These reactions may include some or all:

    • Frequent visits to the toilet.   

    • Runny nose.

    • Perspiration - another way that the body eliminates toxins.

    • Conditions which have been suppressed may flare up temporarily before they heal.

    • Deep sleep or difficulty sleeping and vivid dreams.     


    For long term care:

    • Regular but not too strenuous exercise helps with muscle contraction, therefore lymph flow.

    • Deep diaphragmatic breathing helps promote healthy lymph flow.

    • Daily 10-15 min of elevated legs is beneficial for lymph congestion.


    How long is the session?

    Sessions are 60 minutes that includes checking in, hands on time and checking out.


    Here's how clients have described their experience


    Manual Lymphatic Drainage is not intended as primary healthcare but to work alongside the relationship you have with your doctor.


    Price £80.00


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